Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A New Year, A New Blog, and A New Adventure!

Hello friends, family and fellow bloggers!

As most of you know, I'm heading to Denmark on Saturday to embark on a whole new adventure. That's right- I'm going to be studying international business through the Danish Institute of Study Abroad (dis.dk - if you are interested in learning more about my program!) in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The first thing people usually say to me when I tell them about this, is- "O M G! That is so exciting! Are you nervous? Who are you going with? No one? Ohhh, so you are doing it all by yourself!? That's scary but exciting! So you are nervous? We aren't even going to talk anymore- I guess I'll just see you in May!" Now clearly this is a little bit of an exaggeration of how the conversation goes but I kid you not- the conversation always includes a comment about my nervousness (as if I need the constant reminder!), the excitement of it all and on occasion, a question of how I will be able to keep in contact with everyone.

So let me address this once and for all, to all my loved ones...

Denmark has internet access.

I know, I know! It's incredibly hard to believe that this is even possible (I hope you are sensing the extreme amount of sarcasm right now) but I will have access to the internet and I will be able keep in touch. I'm not sure if my host family has internet at their home (currently trying to figure out a way to ask them to ease the minds of my loved ones before I leave) but even if they don't, my school has a computer lab that I will be able to use. I do not intend on spending all of my time on the internet by any means- I feel like that is a sure fire way for me to get homesick- but I do intend to stay in touch with loved ones back home as best as I can. (and hopefully convince some of them to come visit!!!)

As of right now, I am incredibly nervous and trying not to think about it in a "big picture" kind of way. Instead, I am focusing on all the little things that I need to take care of before I leave, like letting my bank know I'll be abroad, buying tons of longjohns and warm socks, setting up my new blog and skype, etc. I find that these small tasks remind me enough about what I'm doing and right now, that's all I can handle.

Of course I am excited and can't wait for this adventure to begin- but I've had about two weeks of nothing to do but over-think everything and not knowing what to expect can be nerve-racking.

As a good friend said to me, If I don't like it... I can just get on a plane and come home. But as a new friend said to me... I've never heard of anymore who didn't have the time of their life while studying abroad and to enjoy this experience as much as possible! I think I'll focus on the second friend's advice for now!

So finally, here's to a new year, a new blog, and a new adventure! I can't wait to get it started and share my life and travel experiences with you all!

Skål! That's "cheers" in Danish for those of you not familiar with the language yet! ;)


  1. I know you're excited and nervous, but you'll be so happy once you're over there! Although I will miss you A LOT, I know this will be an awesome experience.

    I love you baby and good luck!!!


  2. Lol @ "Denmark has internet access."

    And Skype was even founded by a Dane (Janus Friis) and a Swede (Niklas Zennström).


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